What are your shipping options and delivery times?

For shipping within the UK, we offer two convenient options to choose from. Our Standard Shipping allows you to receive your items within 3-5 working days, and the best part is, it's absolutely free! If you're in a hurry to receive your order, our Express Shipping option guarantees delivery within 1-2 working days for a nominal fee of £3.99. Whatever your preference, we're here to ensure your items reach you in a timely and efficient manner.

Do you offer international shipping?

We currently only provide shipping services within the United Kingdom. We do not offer international shipping at this time.

How do I return or exchange an item?

To initiate a return or exchange for a picture frame, please ensure that the item is returned within 30 days from the date of purchase. For the return to be eligible, the picture frame should remain unopened and in its original packaging. This policy ensures a smooth process for processing returns or exchanges.

How can I contact your customer service team?

To get in touch with our dedicated customer service team, you have several convenient options. You can find our contact information located above on our website. Whether you prefer to reach out via phone, email, or through an online contact form, our customer service representatives are here to assist you with any inquiries, concerns, or assistance you may require. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're readily available to provide you with the support you need.

I am Still Awaiting Delivery for My Order? 

Please check your tracking details in case you have missed the delivery. Unfortunately, we do not get updates if parcels are yet to be delivered or on hold. We would be happy to open a case with the courier if you are waiting longer than expected.

Kindly contact us on info@frenchiesltd.com with your order details and we’ll solve your problem as quick as we can.